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VIDEO: A Syrian refugee stabbed 4 children and 2 adults in France in a playground

El atacante un musulmán ciudadano sirio con "estatus de refugiado legal" arrestado "con delicadamente" por la policía francesa al parecer no tienen las bolas de darle su merecido a los delincuentes que "no comen jamón".

A Syrian refugee stabbed 4 children and 2 adults in France in a playground

A Syrian refugee stabbed four children and an adult to death at a playground in France. Some of the victims are currently in critical condition and receiving treatment at the hospital.

Status at the time of this report:

4 children and 2 adults injured in a knife attack in France.
2 of the children and one adult are in life-threatening situations.
A 78-year-old man injured.
The attacker, a Muslim Syrian citizen with “legal refugee status” arrested “delicately” by the French police, apparently does not have the balls to give what they deserve to criminals who “do not eat ham.”


— Alerta Mundial (@AlertaMundial2) June 8, 2023


Content Categories: Breaking News,Inmigration

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