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Today is international women’s day, why is it celebrated?

Why is Women’s Day celebrated?

International Women’s Day is celebrated every March 8 to commemorate all the fighting women who have contributed to improving the condition of women throughout history. This date was established in 1910 by the International Confederation of Socialist Women and has become an opportunity to remember the importance of gender equality and the empowerment of women. In addition to celebrating the contribution of women to the advancement of humanity, March 8 is also used to visualize gender inequality and to vindicate the fight for equality.

Every March 8th, Women’s Day is celebrated internationally, however, in Venezuela, more than a festivity, it is taken as a commemoration of the growth that women have had within societies around the world, since the opportunity of the women’s vote as gender equality that has been gradually achieved, and still in many respects has not been fully achieved.

This issue has transcended borders with the creation of various international organizations such as the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) of the Organization of American States (OAS) or the Commission of the Status of Women (CSW).

International Women’s Day is a date celebrated in many countries around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Spain, the United States. , Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Romania, Serbia, Sweden , Switzerland, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

What achievements have women reached every time they celebrate their day?

International Women’s Day is celebrated each year to recognize the achievements of women in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres. These achievements include equal rights at work and education, gender equality in decision-making, respect for women’s human rights, the elimination of gender discrimination in all its forms, and the promotion of gender equality. International Women’s Day is also used to visualize gender inequality and to vindicate the fight for equality.

The UN pronounces on discrimination against women

The UN has worked for many years to promote women’s rights and fight gender discrimination. Article 1 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) defines discrimination against women as “any act of distinction, exclusion or restriction based on sex, which has the purpose or result of impairing or annul the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, regardless of their marital status, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural and civil spheres”. The UN has implemented a number of measures to combat gender discrimination, including the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Beijing +25 Program of Action. These measures include the promotion of equal rights at work, access to education, promotion of gender equality in decision-making and respect for women’s human rights .

Are there countries where Women’s Day is not celebrated?

Yes, there are some countries where International Women’s Day is not officially celebrated. These countries include Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Pakistan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, India, China, Singapore, South Korea, North Korea, Egypt, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania, Romania, Greece and Israel.

Today is international women’s day, why is it celebrated? was last modified: August 25th, 2023 by
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