Study reveals that those who had COVID-19 may never be able to exercise again.
According to studies carried out around the world in patients who have overcome COVID-19, at least 16 percent of them currently have heart problems, due to the complications underlying the disease.
The heart is damaged indefinitely.?
At least until a treatment for the prolonged Covid is achieved, what has been called the subsequent suffering to the disease. This means that those who have had this disease continue to have symptoms such as drowning, shortness of breath, fatigue, tiredness, among others.
It is important to bear in mind that the damage to the heart does not depend on the degree of the disease, since even the mildest conditions can damage the cardiovascular system.
The problem is that, many times, this sequel in the chest does not give any symptoms and the person will only feel its consequences when it demands extra work from the cardiovascular system, experts say.
This happens, for example, during physical activity: the heart needs to beat harder to pump blood to the muscles and, if it has any damage caused by the coronavirus, it can malfunction and even break down.
For all the above, we can say that the heart is damaged indefinitely, simply because there is still no adequate treatment to solve these conditions, it is not even known if in the future one will be able to be found, and these people are left suffering from Chronicle by the damn Chinese virus.
How does Covid-19 affect the heart?
Currently it is known that the coronavirus covid-19 does not only affect the lungs, it has effects on a large number of structures of the human body, such as the intestines, kidneys, brain (read: Covid can age the brain), and of course it is finally the heart..
The process is like this: the covid lodges in the heart, the immune system tries to stop it, the immune system becomes saturated and does not know what to do, an inflation occurs, finally the heart muscle is affected with myocarditis, scars and fibrosis that generate arrhythmias .
What is Myocarditis?
According to the Mayo Clinic: Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium). Myocarditis can affect the heart muscle and the heart’s electrical system, reducing the heart’s ability to pump and producing abnormal or rapid heart rhythms (arrhythmias).
What should those who suffered from covid-19 do before exercising again?
The main thing is to diagnose the heart condition in which the covid-19 has left you, first you must go to a specialist who performs an electrocardiogram, but if you are an athlete you must additionally perform the following tests:
- Troponin: This test measures a protein that is altered when the heart is not well.
- The stress test: dedicated to measure the physical resistance of the individual, both cardiac and pulmonary.
- The holter: This device that measures blood pressure for 24 hours.
- An MRI of the heart muscle.
Newsroom NotiActual
References: WHO, Mayo Clinic, COVID Statistics