is a website dedicated to publishing informative, educational, reference and editorial content to the world community, in a fast, truthful and politically unbiased manner.

Therefore, our editorial line is nothing more than to present the facts as they occur, at the time they occur, indicating the original source of the same, the characters, sites, etc., both in the news and in the Opinion articles of our collaborators. With the sole purpose of allowing the reader to decide to make opinions and criticisms about them, we have defined very specific conditions of use regarding the origin of the information, regarding the use of the same in and regarding the accent that each reader wishes to put on each informative case.

In this way we can say that is a communication alternative, which hopes to improve day by day based on the feedback that we carry out with our audience, in order to consolidate ourselves as a medium that lives up to the respect that the Internet Community that reads us day by day deserves.

The Team